Литературный портал "Что хочет автор" на www.litkonkurs.ru, e-mail: izdat@rzn.ru Проект: Новые произведения

Автор: Sun11Номинация: Разное

The Place

      Where the rocks kiss the sun with their infinite peaks,
   Phantom sky in the gold clouds lounges,
   Has aeonian Love its unparagoned feast,
   The musicians are waves and thunders.
   Here dewdrops from flowers morph into falls,
   Spilling gaily around with rainbows,
   And butterflies-stars so enchanting and close,
   That their whispering echoes in canyons.
   It’s the place where we meet when the lightnings collide,
   Blasting out purple heavens to pieces,
   Where the rivers of passion flow like lave through the hearts,
   And empyreal delight never ceases…

Дата публикации:29.03.2006 14:33